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Deep Dive: FrameworkLTC Delivery Dashboard

Dashboards are a powerful tool for any pharmacy, offering pharmacy operators increased visibility and detailed insights into prescription workflows—all from a single screen within a platform. Pharmacy dashboards are often displayed throughout the pharmacy to offer a quick, easy way for staff on the floor to see how all open prescriptions are progressing through the various workflow steps. 

That’s where FrameworkLTC’s Delivery Dashboard comes in. FrameworkLTC, a leading LTC pharmacy software, offers a cost-effective, comprehensive Delivery Dashboard that is built into the existing platform. FrameworkLTC customers can utilize their LTC pharmacy software to optimize their prescription workflow, automate manual tasks, and more—all of which is supported by the Delivery Dashboard functionality.

Here’s what you need to know about pharmacy dashboards and a deep dive into what makes FrameworkLTC’s Delivery Dashboard unique.

What is LTC pharmacy software? How does it help your pharmacy improve processes? What ROI can your pharmacy expect from this software solution? Find out when you download this guide. →

Benefits of Using Pharmacy Dashboards

As mentioned above, pharmacy dashboards displayed on monitors throughout the pharmacy provide pharmacists and technicians with better visibility into all areas of the prescription workflow to ensure each order has completed the proper steps. With a greater, more holistic view of each prescription’s status within the workflow, pharmacists and pharmacy staff can ensure no important steps are skipped and no orders are missed.

Improved visibility is a considerable benefit for pharmacies—but it is not the only one that comes with using pharmacy dashboards to display real-time data. Along with helping to ensure all orders are delivered to long-term care (LTC) facilities on time and with the right specifications, dashboards also help pharmacies boost their productivity. In other words, software equips pharmacy staff with the tools they need to work smarter and accomplish tasks with the ultimate operational efficiency.

Access to real-time data that auto refreshes every minute (or on a custom schedule) also empowers LTC pharmacies to stay on top of all their open deliveries without manually tracking where they’re at in the workflow. Real-time data can also guide decision-making and point out “low-hanging fruit” opportunities for improvement. The result is not only greater visibility and operational efficiency, but also all around better service for long-term care facilities and their patients.

FrameworkLTC’s Delivery Dashboard: Key Features

In addition to FrameworkLTC as the foundational LTC pharmacy software, customers gain access to all the robust and informative data displayed on the Delivery Dashboard. Because FrameworkLTC customers have complete access to their data, they can have their IT team create more customized dashboards tailored to meet their unique processes.

Some of the key features of the FrameworkLTC Delivery Dashboard include:

Prescription Tracking

When using the FrameworkLTC Delivery Dashboard, a long-term care pharmacy can see the total number of prescriptions and exactly where those prescriptions are within the workflow. This way, pharmacies can verify that all prescriptions have completed the appropriate workflow steps in preparation for pending delivery to the facility or patient.

Auto-Refreshed Data

The FrameworkLTC Delivery Dashboard is set by default to auto refresh with real-time prescription data every minute. With that said, any long-term care pharmacy can customize the refresh rate as needed, based on each pharmacy’s unique needs and preferences. 

Dashboard Gauges

Dashboard gauges allow pharmacies to see which tasks need to be completed for all open Rx orders. The gauges located on the bottom of the Delivery Dashboard are typical workflow steps, along with the wait times between each step, including:

  • Initial review: Displays the number of prescriptions that need to be clinically reviewed by a pharmacist before moving through the workflow

  • Packing: Displays the number of prescription orders that still need to be packaged or filled within the pharmacy

  • Final review: Displays the number of prescription records that need to go through final review or be checked by the pharmacist to validate that the right medication was packaged and labeled correctly

  • Tote: Displays the number of prescriptions that need to be scanned into a tote within FrameworkLTC before delivery can be completed

The gauges at the top of the Delivery Dashboard are much more granular, including:

  • FrameworkECM: Value is determined based on the number of documents within the pharmacy’s FrameworkECM application with selected statuses when licensed for FrameworkECM

  • Entered: Displays the number of prescriptions entered into FrameworkLTC at any given time

  • ECS: Displays the number of electronic claims (ECs) that either still need to be submitted or have been rejected

  • Label: Displays the number of prescriptions that still need to have a prescription label printed

  • Authorization required: Displays any prescriptions that need to be authorized by the LTC facility or patient, depending on the facility’s setup 

  • PDMP required: Displays the number of prescriptions that need to have the prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) query completed 

What is LTC pharmacy software? How does it help your pharmacy improve processes? What ROI can your pharmacy expect from this software solution? Find out when you download this guide. →

Resource Allocation

Our Delivery Dashboard also helps with resource allocation. LTC pharmacies can allocate resources based on the dashboard gauges we just discussed. For example, if packaging needs are relatively high, the pharmacy can allocate more resources to packaging to get those orders out the door for on-time delivery.

Wait Time Intervals

Wait times are another customizable feature of the FrameworkLTC Delivery Dashboard. Pharmacies can set specific wait time intervals within each grid, which can be defined in the FrameworkLTC platform. Average wait times at various workflow steps can also be customized based on the pharmacy’s preferences and processes.

Custom Filters

The FrameworkLTC Delivery Dashboard can also be filtered to display prescriptions that match a certain predetermined criteria. Examples of such criteria include pharmacy ID, facility ID, nursing station ID, Rx batch, delivery ID, delivery route, delivery date, dispense date, package type, and the FrameworkPOD delivery route. These filters allow pharmacies to get more granular within workflow steps, such as by inquiring about a specific order that is getting ready to run for an afternoon delivery.

System Integration

Seamless integration with your pharmacy’s FrameworkECM application—and, hopefully, the entire integrated solution set—allows LTC pharmacies to communicate automatically, eliminating manual steps and enhancing their capabilities. System integration with FrameworkECM allows a value to be determined based on the number of documents within the platform, so information can flow freely between both systems.

Moving Forward with the FrameworkLTC Delivery Dashboard

With a robust dashboard available, LTC pharmacies can gain greater visibility into prescription workflows, improve operational efficiency, minimize delays, and intervene when necessary to get deliveries out on time and deliver better customer service for both LTC patients and facilities.

Interested in learning more about FrameworkLTC and the Deliver Dashboard? Schedule a demo for a firsthand look at the leading LTC pharmacy management software.