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Meet SoftWriters' Team Member Pat Lang

SoftWriters' Solutions Consultants are a nimble team of guru's who work extremely well with our customers and as a team to hash out and solve larger, more unique issues. In general they're considered SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) in a myriad of areas. Pat Lang's wheelhouse is in interfaces and technical components across the FrameworkLTC platform. His most recent focus has been supporting the IIS reporting efforts within our FrameworkLTC Vaccine Management Solution. Pat is one of those teammates we all love to turn to, because he likely has an answer and is always extremely willing to help. Let's learn a little more about Pat:

How would you describe your role at SWI?

Being a Senior Solutions Consultant has a lot of responsibility. Everyone in support looks up to you to know the answer, or how to find the answer to a customer's issue. When the Support Analysts cannot figure a complex issue out, we assist in finding the root cause, and then resolving or mitigating the issue for our customers.

What is your favorite part of the job?

I love coming into work every day and knowing that every day will not be the same. The start times may be the same, but that doesn't mean the issues that arise are! Being able to devote your entire attention towards digging into an issue and finding the root of the problem for customer satisfaction - and then being able to hear the thankfulness in our customer's voices. That is what I absolutely love about my job.

What is your favorite functionality of any of our products?

I would have to say that it's so versatile. Even with FrameworkHL7 for example, the number of options for customization of use is extremely high to ensure that it can tailor to every pharmacies needs.

What is something many don't know about you?

For fun I am definitely a console gamer. I own every generation of PlayStation, although I regularly use my PS4 for RPGs, FPS, and Dark Souls-esque games.

I am also a General Class licensed Amatuer Radio operator in the United States. The feeling of sitting in front of a radio and through the daily noise (static) to be able to converse with people across the country as well as across the world with nothing more than a radio and a length of wire for the antenna is awe-inspiring. I've recently spoken to residents of California, Vermont, and my first out of country contact was with a gentleman from Canada! I hope to be upgrading to the final class of license, Amatuer Extra, by the end of the summer.