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FrameworkLTC Utilities

340B Medical Claims Utility LTC A desktop application that will generate a text file containing

Medicaid 340B drug claims data for the specified dispense date range.

Accpac Balance Forward Utility

A desktop application that can be used to import balances from an Excel spreadsheet into Sage Accpac.

Automatic Claim Submission Service

A windows service used to automatically submit primary and secondary electronic claims. Claims will be submitted within a user defined time after the prescription has passed Initial Re- view and the batch is set to allow automatic claim submission.

Controlled Substance Export Interface

This interface automates the creation and/or submission of files out to the respective entities. The interface submits automated daily reports of controlled substance dispensing to state prescription monitoring programs. This interface uses the SoftWriters gmail account to email the pharmacy (email address specified during installation) if an error occurs.

Consulting Software Interface

This interface will export patient demographics and orders from FrameworkLTC to a file suitable for import into your consulting software package. The data is exported to a .DAT file and saved to a user specified location. This file can then be imported into third-party consulting software.

Data Feed Historical Submission Utility

A desktop application that allows pharmacies to reset/update the last export time to include historical data in their dispensing feed. Once the date is updated, the service will use the new date when extracting data from the database the next time it runs.

Data Utility

The FrameworkLTC Data Utility is a desktop application that provides functionality to copy patient, patient order, patient literal orders, insurance plans, facilities, and physicians from one facility and pharmacy to another.

Data Warehouse Interface

Designed for customers with reporting needs for multiple pharmacy sites, this interface is a web service which allows the developers, from a customer central hub, to pull specific reports from the FrameworkLTC databases through XML strings.

Drug Database Update Client

A Windows service that runs daily to update the Medi-Span Drug Databases. The service will add new NDCs and GPIs and update AWP, Direct, WAC, and HCFA/FFP prices as well as package size.

EDI Cost Update Interface

A Windows service that will retrieve an item cost file from a vendor and then import it into FrameworkLTC.


A web service that allows RxPertise, a Medication Regimen Review (MRR) software application to retrieve data from FrameworkLTC. The service makes the data more readily available through real-time accessibility, eliminating the need for the consulting pharmacist to fetch and export the data.

Inventory Reset Utility LTC

A desktop application that sets the on-hand inventory to zero for the specified pharmacy and zone.

Patient Archive Utility LTC

The Patient Archive screen functionality permits users to move all of an inactive patient’s data from the active tables to archive. Archived patients will be designated with an Archive status.

Price Recalculation Utility LTC

A tool designed to help pharmacies adjust and/or update pricing, does not affect prescriptions that have already been adjudicated within FrameworkLTC.

Purge Interface

A windows service that allows pharmacies to reduce the amount of information that is stored by purging the audit log records from selected tables. Includes a desktop application allows the pharmacy to configure what data gets purged and how often.

Vaccine Submission Service

End-to-end workflow and integrated Immunization Information Systems (IIS) reporting capability. Comply with vaccine dispens- ing and reporting requirements and ensure proper reimburse- ment with automated functionality that captures correct billing codes.