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Save Over 70% of Your CancelRx Clicks by Easily Automating the Process with FrameworkLTC

CancelRx messages are a common occurrence in long-term care pharmacy settings. Patient status changes, medication reviews, and facility circumstances often require prescribers to cancel previously prescribed medications.

In the pharmacy, processing these CancelRx messages is often time-sensitive and tedious work. This can affect the operational efficiency of an LTC pharmacy; reducing resource availability, and interrupting workflow as pharmacies race against the clock to process these messages before the medication is dispensed to the patient.

Getting Started with CancelRx in FrameworkLTC

The rearchitected version of FrameworkLTC has a new and impactful enhancement that allows CancelRx messages to be processed automatically. This new setting is found in the Pharmacy Setup menu under Interfaces > E-Rx. Users will find separate settings for both FrameworkERX and Surescripts. 

When set to “YES”, these system options will allow FrameworkLTC to automatically process all qualified CancelRx messages as soon as they are received. FrameworkLTC will discontinue the designated prescription in the database and send the corresponding CancelRxResponse back to the facility's EHR system. All of this is done automatically and in real-time and without any explicit user action - greatly reducing the E-Rx workload to better prioritize staff activity.  

To make this processing easy and effective, this workflow will not automatically process orders that are currently open in a batch, do not match exactly on the reorder record, or are not linked.

Auto-processed CancelRx and CancelRxResponse messages can still be seen in the E-Rx message log. The “Processed By” column will display FrameworkERx, indicating that the E-Rx messages were automatically processed. 

Customer Success with CancelRx

To give some perspective on the gains in efficiency this workflow automation can provide, let’s look at a real example of a high-volume LTC pharmacy that is using this new enhancement in FrameworkLTC.

After enabling this smart workflow to automatically process CancelRx messages for FrameworkERx and Surescripts, the pharmacy reduced the number of CancelRx messages that required manual intervention and processing by an average of 75-80 percent.

The auto-processing of cancel messages with CancelRx has been great. The process is now auto-cancelling an average of 3,000 messages per day and has alleviated our triage pharmacists and another pharmacist to work on new orders. At what’s normally three clicks per order, we’ve now eliminated over 9,000 extra clicks – that’s a significant impact. As we continue to grow our pharmacy, the more auto processing we implement, the more focus we can have on the areas that matter most to our pharmacy.
– Diane Pupa, Pharmacy Implementation/EMAR Specialist, LIScript

In this high-performing pharmacy, that equates to an average savings of manual processing of around 3,000 CancelRx -E-Rx messages a day. 

Automatic processing of CancelRx messages is an easy and effective way to boost efficiency and reduce E-Rx workload. The savings of both time and money can help your pharmacy focus on what you do best – taking care of patients. 

Learn more

For more information on getting started, or to learn about how this automatic CancelRx processing can make your pharmacy operations more efficient, please contact SoftWriters Customer Support