LTC Innovation Blog
Fresh Insights On Long-Term Care Best Practices, Industry Updates, and More
Q&A Panel: Vaccine Management Webinar Highlights
COVID-19 has introduced several new challenges and opportunities for pharmacists, particularly those specializing in long-term care.
Pharmacy Techs' Battle with Caregiver Burnout in the COVID-19 Era
Although we've crossed over into a new year, the world at large won't necessarily feel that different for many people, due to the persistent health hazard and societal upheaval stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Preparing for Operation Warp Speed and the COVID-19 Vaccination
Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is the coordinated effort between a number of federal agencies to accelerate the research, discovery, and production of a safe and effective vaccine for COVID-19.
Promoting Your LTC Pharmacy
There is no corner of the healthcare sector that has gone unaffected by the primary or secondary effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Opinion Piece: Featuring Lou Ann Brubaker on Support SNF Clients in a COVID-19 Era
This question is where one of my routine virtual coffee chats started with a client recently, and it sparked some valuable discussion that I thought I’d share:
Opinion Piece: Lou Ann Brubaker Shares Insights on Supporting SNF Clients’ Regulatory Performance
In July during a virtual coffee chat with one of my pharmacy clients, we explored COVID-19 and its tremendous impact on stress levels within the nursing staff.
Transitioning Back to a Post-COVID-19 World: What This Means for LTC Pharmacies
There’s no denying the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has…
Pursuing Purpose: Building a Mission-Driven Pharmacy Brand
We’re continuing to adapt to these unprecedented times without a clear indication of if and when things will feel normal again.
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