Prioritize and automate your LTC pharmacy workflows with our FrameworkECM™ solution.
It’s designed to meet all your content management needs.
Save time and operate more efficiently with our FrameworkECM™ solution. This is an automated workflow and content management solution specifically designed to meet the content management needs of long-term care pharmacies. Revolutionize your existing processes with efficiency, integrity, and consistency across all incoming refill orders—regardless of how, when, or where they arrive.
A customizable content management solution equipped with the features you need to automate your LTC pharmacy’s order processing and document management workflow
Announcing Secure Messaging by Mediprocity!
Easily send and receive secure messages between your pharmacy, facilities, and prescribers.
Secure Messaging by Mediprocity enables you to automate your document workflow through FrameworkECM™. Reduce cost and maximize output by eliminating repeated phone calls and redundant faxes.
Work Smarter for Operational Excellence
Deploy a configurable document management solution that helps you remain competitive, eliminates manual work, and positions you for lasting success.
Gain A Competitive Advantage With
Unified Workflows
Create a unified process for all orders that come in, with the ability to execute on demand and automate several steps with one click.
Smart Content
Enhance your processes and bypass triage for refill orders with smart content featuring barcodes, custom annotations, and more.
Reduced Costs
Reduce costs associated with handling paper documents and performing manual, repetitive tasks with seamless workflow automation.
Streamline Your Electronic Prescription Experience with FrameworkECM
Automatic data sharing/population
Orders automatically prioritized in the production queue based on timestamps
ERx integration
Automatic form population with any data field within FrameworkLTC
Auto-processing of refills
“The workflows we’ve utilized in FrameworkECM have saved us full-time employees in different departments.”
— Mackenzie Farr, Chief Operating Officer and Pharmacist, Community Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Bypass Triage on All Your Refill Orders
Achieve the ultimate operational efficiency with intelligently designed long-term care pharmacy software that triages all orders with one consistent process. With FrameworkECM’s automatic prioritization features, your team can take a break while still getting all your orders out on time.
Bent Gay, RPh, President & CEO, Gayco Healthcare
We have recently changed to FrameworkECM, it’s changed our lives. It makes everything more efficient, everything more accurate.
Rashimi Patel, Lead Pharmacist, MAC Rx
This is the software that allows us to do our job from start to finish… It’s made a big impact in our day-to-day operations.
Mackenzie Farr, Pharmacist in Charge, Community Pharmacy
FrameworkECM works very well with the other products we utilize, we don’t have to create a bunch of patches to go here, there, and everywhere… that’s been one of the biggest time savers for us.