Get insights from thought leaders, industry experts, and LTC advocates.
Maximizing the Value of Your GPO
Your Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) is more than just a cost-savings tool—it’s a strategic partner in optimizing your long-term care pharmacy’s operations. But are you maximizing its full potential?
Join industry experts from MHA as we break down best practices for leveraging your GPO to reduce costs, strengthen supplier relationships, and drive business growth.
How to Succeed in LTC Pharmacy
In Part 1, we explored the benefits and opportunities of closed-door pharmacy models. It's time to dive deeper into the practical steps to get started. Hosted by Rebecca Snead, Director of Long Term Care Strategic Initiatives at NCPA, this webinar will explore the next steps to ensure success in the world of LTC Pharmacy.
Why Long-Term Care (LTC) Pharmacy
As the population ages, pharmacy care is changing. Are you ready to seize new patient opportunities? Join us for part 1 of our webinar series hosted by Rebecca Snead, Director of Long-Term Care Strategic Initiatives at NCPA, as we explore the Closed Door (Long-Term Care) pharmacy model .
Leveraging a Remote Workforce in LTC Pharmacy
Watch this insightful panelist webinar on "Leveraging a Remote Workforce in LTC Pharmacy," where we will explore the benefits and challenges of transitioning to remote staff in the long-term care pharmacy sector. Our panel brings together leaders sharing their unique experiences and advice on how to successfully implement a remote workflow.
Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare: Regulations, Ethics, and Compliance
Review the On-Demand recording of this webinar to learn about how lawmaking will pave the way for game-changing AI technologies and how regulations will impact the tools you'll be able to leverage in the near future.
Roadmap to DSCSA Compliance: A Pharmacy's Essential Guide
This webinar provides helpful tips, outlines the timelines for the various DSCSA compliance requirements, and explains how you can verify your compliance from the very first day that the next phase of the law comes into full effect.
Exploring the Benefits of the Pharmacy Initiated Model
Join SoftWriters and PointClickCare on March 27th, 2024 for a webinar exploring the transformative potential of the pharmacy-initiated model to bridge the gap between Senior Living Facilities and the Long-Term Care (LTC) Pharmacies that serve them.
Vax to the Future
Within this webinar, you'll gain insights into immunization trends, regulatory requirements affecting facilities, and a synopsis of the revenue-generating opportunities offered to your pharmacy in the context of recent regulatory modifications.
Embracing the Power of Automation in LTC Pharmacy
Long-term care pharmacies are at a crossroads. With a booming aging population, the traditional landscape of long-term care is rapidly shifting. Organizations that serve the industry must adjust or risk getting left behind. In this partner spotlight session, learn one way to avoid falling by the wayside – pharmacy automation.
Unlocking the Power of Data Analytics
Through a strategic partnership, SoftWriters offers its customers access to Net-Rx's market-leading pharmacy solutions and industry expertise. In this webinar, we will explore the features of Net-Rx and discuss how its suite of solutions can help you optimize performance and so much more.
State of LTC Pharmacy
Discover the results of our comprehensive “State of Pharmacy” survey as we gain valuable insights directly from pharmacists and unpack how they directly affect us as stakeholders. In addition, we’ll explore imminent industry changes including expanded scope of practice, regulations on PBM’s, and the long-lasting impact of COVID policies.
Demystifying Biosimilars
Biosimilar drugs are an increasingly common component of drug therapy. However, these complex molecules have a unique classification system and special rules for dispensing and substitution, that differ considerably from traditional drugs.
DSCSA: What Pharmacies Need to Know
Come get your DSCSA questions answered and learn how to ensure your pharmacy is in compliance. Infinitrak provides valuable insights that could save you time and money.
How the DSCSA Impacts Your Pharmacy
SoftWriters is proud to present an exclusive complimentary webinar on DSCSA compliance. Based in Marland, Advasur provides DSCSA compliance technology solutions. This webinar is CE-accredited (1.0 credit).
Leading Change in Times of Uncertainty: Tools for a Volatile Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous (VUCA) World
The past two years have shown us that change can be volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Strong leadership techniques are essential in order to navigate these shifting circumstances, but specific guidance…
Exclusive Features, Cutting Edge Innovation, and Continual Refinement
Introducing FrameworkRxP: The ultimate solution for long-term care consultant pharmacists.
An Effective Growth Strategy: Differentiate Your LTC Pharmacy & Help Nursing Homes Flourish
Winning facility business requires a differentiator that can separate you from your competitors. You have to offer a solution that truly…
From Surviving to Transformation: Reclaiming Inspiration and Leading with Purpose During Times of Change
With many stressors outside of our control, what we can influence is our mindset and ability to show up for our colleagues and…
What It Takes To Obtain and Retain SNF Accounts in 2021–2021+
In the past four years, SNFs have experienced their greatest regulatory, quality, financial, and market changes in decades. Then came Covid-19, which has exacerbated these challenges…
LTC After COVID-19: Patients, Prescriptions, & Public Policy
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the balance began tipping away from facility-based to home-based care, and long-term care (LTC) pharmacies have begun to seize the opportunities offered as more…
Answering the Call: LTC Pharmacists Push for Provider Status
As we emerge from the pandemic, pharmacy has opportunities to advance practice in provider status and psychoactive medication management and create new exciting revenue streams through…
Where Are We Now? Updates On COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, infectious disease expert Dr. Yu provides an overview of SARSCoV2, the Delta strain & the importance of vaccines, and what COVID hospitalization means for the LTC…
The Cost of Drama to Your Work, Your Company, and You Personally, and How the Power of Choice Changes Everything
Many organizations never fully realize the goals and hoped-for benefits of their organizational transformation and growth efforts…
The Future of LTC in America: Risks & Opportunities for LTC
Nearly 75% of Americans who need long-term care (LTC) live at home or in the community, not in LTC facilities. Various trends have kept more people at home and fewer in facilities. The…
Communicating Through Crisis
The speed and scale of COVID-19 is breeding uncertainty and emotional disruption in businesses, families, and broader communities worldwide. In fast-moving situations like…
A Panel Perspective: Managing the Vaccination Process
A discussion on what COVID-19 vaccination management looks like in the LTC pharmacy setting. Leah, Mahmoud, and Charles share their experience managing the vaccination process within their…
The Mind's Lie: How Our Thoughts and Actions can be Hacked & Hijacked
Why do many of us fall for dirty tricks even after understanding how they work? From the sleight-of-hand used by magicians to the sleight…
Supporting Skilled Nursing Facility Compliance: Enhancing Your Pharmacy Value to Clients
We’re back to the new survey process and the vulnerabilities that come with it. What are you doing to help? Do you speak the same…
Improving Your Pharmacy's Security Posture: A Fireside Chat
In this casual fireside chat, we hosted Compufit C|CISO Jeff Wilson in an “Ask My Anything” style webinar with the goal of helping attendees better assess, measure, and improve their security posture.
Behind the Scenes with PharmScript: COVID-19 Vaccinations
The industry leader in LTC pharmacy participation in phase one of the COVID-19 vaccination program shares how they worked to provide over 150,000 vaccinations across 24 states.
Trends in LTC Pharmacy and Long-Term Care
While the scope of the coronavirus damage - emotional, physical, and economic - is still being understood, it’s undoubtedly impacted long-term care for many years. In this session…
Retaining Your SNF Clients in a COVID-19 Era
If your skilled nursing facilities (SNF) weren’t alreadying holding your feet to the fire, COVID-19 will be turning up the heat. Your clients are fighting for survival. Even before the pandemic, SNFs struggled to…
Insider Advice: How to Resolve & Recover from a Cyber Security Attack
While protecting your pharmacy from a cyber attack is essential, if things go wrong, it’s just as important to understand the…