Collaboration Between Long-Term Care Pharmacies and Facilities: A Closer Look

Working closely with facility partners isn’t just a nice-to-have for long-term care (LTC) pharmacies; it’s a must-have for delivering top-quality care.

Because LTC residents often have complex and evolving needs, collaboration between the pharmacy, facility, and prescriber is essential—but it’s not always easy. The good news is that effective communication (backed by the right technology) can make all the difference.

So what does collaboration between pharmacies and facilities look like? And how can LTC pharmacy software help make it a reality?

Why should LTC pharmacies collaborate with facility partners?

Most long-term care residents take multiple medications each day, and it’s not uncommon for regimens to change over time. Plus, some medications don’t play nice with other medications and can lead to unwelcome side effects.

That’s why the role of LTC pharmacies is so critical. In fact, LTC pharmacists are key partners in managing residents' ongoing needs, working closely with facility staff to ensure safe, accurate medication management. There are several scenarios in which an LTC pharmacist might communicate with someone at one of the facilities they partner with:

Medication Regimen Updates

Think about how often medication regimens change in LTC settings. If pharmacies and facilities aren’t on the same page, important details—such as a change caused by a new diagnosis—can slip through the cracks, leading to possible lapses in care. For example, rush order and adherence packaging requests require timely communication between the pharmacy and facility staff to prevent interruptions in medication therapy.

Delivery Schedule Changes

It’s also important to stay connected about delivery schedules. Any changes—whether brought about by a new resident admission, care transition, or a sudden health event—require pharmacies and facilities to coordinate quickly to make sure all medications are delivered to the right patients at the right times. 

Specialty Packaging Requests

Adherence packaging (also called compliance packaging) is typically ordered as a specialty request for a specific patient or unit within a facility. Accommodating these requests can boost medication adherence significantly—but it requires facility nursing staff and pharmacists to work very closely together.

It’s pretty clear that better communication and collaboration means better care for everyone. Collaboration is key for LTC pharmacies looking to build lasting partnerships with facilities—and improve retention and grow their business in the process.

What challenges impede effective pharmacy-facility collaboration?

Despite the clear benefits of partner-facility collaboration, challenges can still disrupt the process, such as:

  • Outdated communication methods: Many LTC facilities and pharmacies still rely on traditional communication methods, such as faxing or phone calls, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. (Does phone tag sound too familiar?)

  • Pharmacy staffing limitations: LTC pharmacies and facilities tend to operate with limited staff. These limitations are becoming more common with instances of healthcare burnout on the rise—and effective communication often takes a hit as a result.

Can technology help improve pharmacy and facility collaboration?

Fortunately, the right technology can significantly improve collaboration between LTC pharmacies and facilities. Using a facility web portal, such as FrameworkVision, can help streamline communication and improve operational efficiency.

Serving as a centralized platform for near-real-time communication and collaboration between LTC pharmacies and facilities, FrameworkVision reduces the manual work typically associated with managing medication orders, changes, and other requests. For instance, secure messaging via Mediprocity eliminates the need for repeated phone calls and faxes, ensuring all communications are clearly documented and easily accessible.

Order management is another area where technology can make a significant impact. With a system like FrameworkVision, pharmacies and facilities can easily track and manage orders, greatly reducing the risk of errors. This is especially invaluable in a setting where even the smallest mistake can have serious consequences for patients.

Strengthen collaboration with the right technology.

There’s no question about it: Pharmacists play a substantial role in supporting patients in long-term care settings. Challenges certainly exist, but the right technology can help bridge communication gaps, streamline operations, and strengthen relationships between pharmacies and their facility partners.

Take Alliant LTC Pharmacy for example: Investing in FrameworkVision has provided maximum visibility in an accessible portal for managing medication, viewing drug information, and making adjustments as needed. Additionally, investing in FrameworkVision has been a crucial customer service offering that has enabled them to differentiate from competitors and expand into new facilities while also improving current customer satisfaction.

Looking to step up your collaboration game? Schedule a demo of FrameworkLTC and FrameworkVision to get started.

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