COVID19 Vaccination Readiness
FrameworkLTC Vaccine Management
FrameworkLTC supports the nationwide COVID-19 vaccination effort with a unique, end-to-end workflow and integrated Immunization Information Systems (IIS) reporting capability.
Quickly import large groups of patients (including frontline staff).
Create hundreds of vaccine Rx’s with a single click.
Accurately report immunization data to all state registries.
FrameworkLTC Vaccine Management enables pharmacies to:
Comply with vaccine dispensing and reporting requirements by capturing all necessary data and then submitting vaccine records for IIS reporting in a single click.
Save time with vaccine management with key functionality that streamlines workflow, reduces data entry, minimizes clicks, and increases accuracy.
Ensure proper reimbursement with automated functionality that captures correct billing codes.
“The vaccine workflow created by SoftWriters has allowed us to become a leading vaccination provider in our area. The workflow allows our small team to create hundreds or even thousands of patients and vaccine prescriptions and take care of notifications to the state registry in minutes compared to hours to days. We have vaccinated 3,000 people with a team of 8 pharmacy staff (including pharmacists, interns, and technicians) at various clinic sites. This has generated additional revenue of over $60,000 in administration fees for our team. The support we have received from SoftWriters has been outstanding. It was very obvious that the team of specialists that developed the workflow spent significant resources and time understanding vaccine workflows in place before the pandemic and beyond. They have created a solution to the overwhelming process of rolling out COVID Vaccines and created solutions to allow for clinical vaccination services in the future, assuring continued revenue and clinical advancement of the pharmacist's role as a provider in the facilities.”
-Leah Gregory, PharmD, ALPS Pharmacy
Getting Started
While the COVID-19 vaccination planning efforts are in full-swing, here are some things that long-term care pharmacies can do if just getting started:
Register with your state IIS
Reporting to state IIS will require each pharmacy to register with the IIS within their own state. LTC pharmacies can and should start this process ahead of time to be ready when a solution is launched. Find your state IIS website and contact info here
Monitor Vaccination Developments
Learn what’s the latest by visiting www.hhs.gov/coronavirus
Apply for an NPI
Pharmacists may need to have an NPI for billing COVID vaccine claims. If pharmacists do not have an NPI, they can apply for one through the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System.
Contact SoftWriters to get started. Existing customers should reach out to us so we can get you squared away with utilizing FrameworkLTC for immunization management. We'll also take care of getting you set up to be able to report in your state.
Recent News & Updates
August 25, 2021: CMS adds additional payment incentive for assisted-living and group homes
On June 8th, 2021, Medicare announced that, for certain patients, payment for COVID-19 vaccine administration in the patient’s home would be $35, in addition to the standard $40 reimbursement - an effective payment of $75 per dose. Effective August 24th, 2021, COVID-19 vaccine providers can obtain this higher level of payment for additional settings, including communal living arrangements and assisted living facilities. Skilled facilities and Medicaid facilities are exempt from this incentive, and other restrictions apply. See the CMS Medicare COVID-19 Vaccine Shot Payment website for more information.
Source: https://www.cms.gov/medicare/covid-19/medicare-covid-19-vaccine-shot-payment
August 23, 2021: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announces full approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for individuals 16 years and older
This development comes as the nation is grappling with a surge in cases and the highly contagious delta variant. The vaccine will be marketed under the brand name Comirnaty (an amalgam of “covid” “mRNA” and “immunity”). The FDA’s approval of Comirnaty signifies that the drug has been proven both safe and effective at preventing COVID-19, in accordance with rigorous scientific standards. This recent development may help to increase confidence in the vaccine and persuade more individuals to get vaccinated. Currently, 51.8% of the US population is currently fully vaccinated, and 61% have received at least one dose.
Source: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine
August 18, 2021: Surgeon General recommends additional doses of COVID-19 vaccine
According to a joint statement released today from the FDA, CDC, NIH and National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, additional doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccine will be recommended for all U.S. adults who received these vaccines beginning the week of September 20. The additional doses have been proposed as the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines has been shown to decrease over time. No guidance on additional doses for Johnson & Johnson vaccine recipients has been released at this time, though it is anticipated that they will be needed. The third doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccine are recommended to be given at least 8 months after the second dose.
It is important to note that this recommendation is “contingent on both the FDA completing an independent review of the safety and effectiveness of a third dose of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines and on the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations after review of the evidence”
August 13, 2021: NCPDP releases updated guidance just in time as FDA approves third COVID shot
Additional Dose Guidance from NCPDP was released on August 3rd, in anticipation of the FDA’s decision last night to authorize a third dose of Pfizer vaccine for select patients who are immunocompromised.
Sources: https://www.ncpdp.org/Resources.aspx?ID=471