Leadership Team
Danielle Greer
VP, Product
Often, a pivot point in one’s life leads to that deciding moment, “I know what I want to do with my life.” That moment came for Danielle when she served the Assisted Living industry managing the medication delivery process in the late 90s. It became clear that there had to be a better solution for safe, reliable medication delivery, so she searched for a technological solution. This led to the introduction of Remote Automated Medication Dispensing. As a result, she became part of the team that invented, refined, and delivered the first-ever on-site medication dispensing robot in the long-term care industry.
Danielle spent the next 20 years advancing to executive leadership at Advanced Pharmacy and Partners Pharmacy, where she most recently served as Vice President of Applications, Integrations, and Infrastructure. During that time, she led teams through the development and release of numerous products. In addition, she supported pharmacies through product development and technology adoption, workflow optimizations, and interface development that unlocked market growth.
Her passion for being a part of a shared leadership team developing products that save lives and focus on excellent customer engagement drew Danielle to join the SoftWriters team in 2022, where the “Save Lives” mission and core values of believing Customers Determine our Success, believing we are Innovators, Thought Leaders, Teachers and that we must operate with unyielding integrity aligned with her desire to impact the entire Long Term care industry positively.