LTC Innovation Blog
Fresh Insights On Long-Term Care Best Practices, Industry Updates, and More
Pharmacy Payment Challenges in 2024
The arrival of 2024 has brought with it a complex web of challenges in the realm of reimbursement. The landscape has shifted dramatically, and the decline in reimbursements is a key concern for pharmacies across the nation.
DSCSA Provisions Delayed until November 2024
The FDA responded to this request with an announcement on 8/25/23 that the effective date for full implementation of the DSCSA will be delayed for one year, becoming effective and enforceable on 11/27/24.
Regulatory Compliance in LTC (ft. The Compliance Store) | Framework Focus Episode 3
Regulatory Compliance in LTC | FrameworkFocus™ Episode 3
Is Your Pharmacy Ready for USP <800>?
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Chapter <800> standards for hazardous drug handling will become effective and enforceable on November 1, 2023. This move coincides with the official implementation of the USP <795> and <797> standards for non-sterile and sterile compounding. USP <800> has been delayed from its original intended implementation date to align with corresponding references to the <795> and <797> chapters.
Mixing It Up: An Overview of Upcoming Changes to USP Guidelines
On November 1, 2023, the updated United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) chapters <795> and <797> compounding standards will become effective. How well do you know what’s in the new standards and what this means for your pharmacy? Let’s take a deep dive into this important topic for any pharmacy that engages in sterile or non-sterile compounding.
Generic Drugs Used to Be Simple
Generic drugs used to be simple, right? You had a brand name drug, and a handful of generic equivalents - all of which could be substituted for the brand name product. Simple.
Turns out it’s not so simple.
Scammers Are Targeting Pharmacies – Learn How To Identify Them
Across the country, many states are reporting that scammers are targeting pharmacies, pretending to be Board of Pharmacy (BOP) inspectors, DEA agents, the FBI, or other false identities.
Should Congress Pass the BLOCKING Act of 2021?
In April of 2021, a bill was introduced to the House of Representatives called the Bringing Low-cost Options and Competition while Keeping Incentives for New Generics Act of 2021 (or simply, the BLOCKING Act).
Preparing for Operation Warp Speed and the COVID-19 Vaccination
Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is the coordinated effort between a number of federal agencies to accelerate the research, discovery, and production of a safe and effective vaccine for COVID-19.
Opinion Piece: Lou Ann Brubaker Shares Insights on Supporting SNF Clients’ Regulatory Performance
In July during a virtual coffee chat with one of my pharmacy clients, we explored COVID-19 and its tremendous impact on stress levels within the nursing staff.
Understanding USP <800> and Hazardous Drugs: A Closer Look
We recently published a blog post on USP Chapter <800>…
Opinion Piece: SUPPORT Act’s Impact on Long-Term Care Pharmacy
On October 24, 2018, the SUPPORT Act was signed into law, marking the single largest bill to combat the drug crisis in the history of the United States.
Opinion Piece: Long-Term Care Pharmacy Perspective on the Oklahoma Prescription Monitoring Program reporting requirement for DSP24 - Treatment Type
As more and more states address controlled substance abuse and the opioid crisis, Long-Term Care (LTC) pharmacies are feeling the urgency and need to be compliant with ever-increasing regulatory requirements.
How RxPertise Can Improve Patient Care in the Changing LTC Pharmacy Landscape
With changes brought about by the CMS Final Rule and the impending changes being introduced with the new CMS case-mix classification model, the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM), set to go into effect on October 1, 2019…
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